Special Operation July, 2019 In
conjunction with the 2019 Golden Spike celebration,
the PLA decided to have the 9010 out on the railroad for a special
operation. The operation was over 2 days, July 20 and 21,
On Thursday the 18th, we took the 9010 to Sunol for a bath.
It was controlling the SP5623 through the Multiple Unit
connections and everything went as expected. This day was the
first time the 9010 had been out in the sun as a complete locomotive
since 1968! It was quite an inspiring sight.
On Saturday the 20th, the 9010 again operated with the 5623 for power but this time, it ran 2 special passenger round trips, one between Niles and the current end of track and the other from Niles to Sunol. Along with the 5623, we had our newly painted Southern Pacific economy baggage car and our Southern Pacific articulated coach. Both trips came off without a hitch. Tickets for the trips were sold to the public as a special "railfan" event and the event was well attended.
On Sunday the 21st, 9010 was out with SD9 5472 and a Southern Pacific caboose for an unannounced appearance at Niles where the passengers on our regular trains were treated to this special display. We made several runs from Niles to the Dresser bridge during the day while the regular passenger train was out of the area. Many of the 9010 crew had an opportunity to run the locomotive and everyone had a great day.