Our Want List 1.
Southern Pacific electrical diagrams.
We have
diagrams published by Krauss Maffei in Volume 4 of the service manual
but they are extremely basic. We have no reference for the
myriad of terminal boards within the cab but know that they had to be
documented somewhere. SP produced their own high quality
drawings and we hope that some still exist. Copies would be
2. Hartman and Braun temperature gauges. The locomotive had 10 of them, all alike. They measure about 3 1/8" diameter at the body and read from 32 to 260 degrees F.
![]() 4.
Equipment Trust Plate. Thanks
to the kind loan of an original trust plate from which we made a mold
and the generous casting of new plates, we have what amounts to a
brand new pair of original plates.
To Main Page5. Battery Charging Receptacles. Thanks to generous donations from two of our brother museums, we now have replacements for the two missing Battery Charging Receptacles. 6. There is one Standby Receptacle for 110V power to the cooling water preheater, just below the L3 sandbox on the Fireman's side.
7. Window Regulator: Thanks to Richard Oed finding a regulator for us in Germany and our machinist Bill Stimmerman's modifications, we now have a replacement for the missing regulator. |